Keystone Exams

Students will receive specific schedules which will inform you of the exact tests your student will be taking. Students who are currently attending school through Black Knight Academy will need to come into school on testing days. Please contact Joel Spinney to discuss any accommodations students will need for testing.


Keystone Exam results help schools plan and improve curriculum offerings. It is our desire for students to do well with these exams. There are several things you can do. Please make every effort to have your student at school by 8:30 AM on testing days. Please also encourage them to be well-rested on the day of testing. Students will not be permitted to have cell phones or electronic devices with them during the test administration. The district policy regarding cell phones/electronics in testing rooms is printed on the reverse side of this letter.


For students graduating in 2023, demonstrating proficiency on Keystone Exams is one of several pathways for graduation. For more information about graduation requirements and pathways, you can visit the Guidance website at, or you can call the Guidance Office at 570-265-2101 (extension 3059).


If any parent does not want their child to respond to a specific prompt or to participate in the assessment due to a conflict with their religious beliefs, they must first schedule an appointment to review the tests. This can be done by contacting the school office on or after May 11 2022. Parents must then write a note to the School District Superintendent, Mr. Dennis Peachey, to excuse their child from the assessment.


If a student is absent on a testing date, the tests will be re-scheduled for a later time.