Parents » Act 66 of 2021

Act 66 of 2021

Act 66 of 2021: Grade Level Retainment

On June 30, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 66 of 2021 (Act 66) into law. Act 66 permits students that were enrolled during the 2020-21 school year to repeat their grade level in an effort to make up for any lost educational opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, even if the student met the requirements to be promoted to the next grade level. Based on this Act, parents/guardians and students, at or over the age of 18, have until July 15, 2021, to elect to have their child or themselves repeat a grade level for the 2021-22 school year.


Parents/guardians or students who wish to take advantage of Act 66 must complete, sign, and submit the Act 66 of 2021 Student Grade Level Retainment Notification Form to the Towanda Jr./Sr. High School, Towanda Area Elementary School, or J. Andrew Morrow Primary School on or before July 15, 2021.


Please click the Act 66 of 2021: Grade Level Retention Form below and submit the completed form via email to [email protected],  or you may complete the form and drop it off in person to the Towanda Area School District Business Office. Failure to meet the July 15, 2021, deadline will not allow you to take advantage of this Act, with no exceptions.